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2022 Workplace Learning Report - How more effective workplace learning opportunities can empower organizations to fight the labor shortage

The pandemic changed the way the world works. Companies shifted from five days in an office to remote and hybrid work models. As burnout continued to rise and the lines between work and home life were blurred, leadership teams implemented more flexibility as well as perks and programs to support employees’ mental wellbeing.  

What will the workplace look like in a completely post-pandemic world? While that remains to be seen, one thing that is certainly here to stay. And that’s a focus on the employee experience. Organizations will continue to prioritize mitigating burnout, promoting work-life balance and providing the professional development that today’s workers crave. Specifically, opportunities to upskill and develop employees will be a huge component of this effort moving forward and a non-negotiable for not only millennials and the growing Gen Z population, but older workers who have recently reconsidered their relationship with work.

To better understand how the industries we serve have adjusted their tactics to provide an exceptional employee learning experience, we surveyed over 500 business leaders in healthcare, technology, manufacturing, life sciences, financial services and food & beverage. Nearly all respondents agreed that offering effective learning opportunities will build loyalty and employee retention. But what do these opportunities look like and where can organizations stand to improve? 

Here are a few key findings from the The 2022 Workplace Learning Report survey:

  • 75% of business managers are struggling with the labor shortage, with the healthcare industry hurting the most from it.
  • 69%+ of respondents across all industries say their organization needs to update their approach to workplace learning, with, surprisingly, 87% of respondents in the technology sector citing the need for adjustments.
  • 66% of organizations offer e-Learning, followed by coaching and mentoring (61%) and virtual instructor-led training (54%).
  • Microlearning is making its mark on high-risk, knowledge-critical industries such as healthcare and life sciences, but other fields are following suit to meet the needs of digitally distracted workforces.
  • Only 40% of organizations offer on-demand training, which is critical for promoting work-life balance and creating individualized learning experiences.
  • Nearly half of those surveyed say their organization needs a digital-led approach to training/learning opportunities so employees can learn on their own time
  • Over one-third (38%) of respondents say their organizations aren’t effectively measuring the impact or effectiveness of their employee learning programs.


The fast-paced nature of the world we live in today means the next disruption to the workplace may be just around the corner. Organizations can get ahead of the curve by kicking their employee programming into high gear and meeting (even exceeding!) the needs of the modern, digital-first workforce. Download the full report to learn where your peers stand today and how you might compare.



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